Modernization of the Vehicle Inspection Process in Pennsylvania

New Bill to be Introduced to in Pennsylvania

A memorandum was sent on August 29, 2023 by Pennsylvania State Senator Marty Flynn announcing his intentions of introducing a new bill that would help modernize the vehicle inspection process in Pennsylvania.

This bill, should it be introduced, will propose changing the requirements for annual vehicle inspections so that vehicles only need to go through an inspection when it is sold or if the vehicle's title is transferred. This would eliminate the annual requirement for a vehicle inspection. Annual vehicle emissions testing would still be required on a per county basis, and remain unchanged.

Senator Flynn states in his proposal that this legislation would allow vehicle owners to save approximately $30 annually per each vehicle they own while also providing new consumer protections to ensure vehicles are safe and roadworthy prior to purchase.

This legislation would include a new $15 fee on the cost of annual vehicle registrations, which would generate up to an additional $120 million into the Motor License Fund annually.

To read the full memorandum sent by Senator Flynn, click HERE.

Written by MAACA